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Platelets are primarily for clotting.
White blood cells are primarily for immunity.
Red blood cells are primarily for oxygen carrying.

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Q: What part of the body makes red and white blood cells?
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How does you body fight infectiouse disease?

When germs get inside you, white blood cells in your blood start to make antibodies. These are special chemicals the find germs and then stick to them. This helps other white blood cells in your body find the germs and destroy them. When you are sick, your body makes more white blood cells to protect you.

What gives a body structure and makes red blood cells?

The skeleton give structure to the body as well as protects organs and parts of it make red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells.

Where are the white blood cells in the body?

In blood of the body

Why does your body need red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells in your body while the white blood cells fight diseases.

What does Leukemia do to white blood cells Anddd How do white blood cells function in the body?

leukemia affects your white blood cells by killing the and your body cant make enough blood cells to fight infections

How many white blood cells do you have going around in your body?

there are about 6000-9000 WHITE BLOOD CELLS in your body

What are white blood cells?

Hi there! white blood cells are little cells in our body that help eradicate viruses and other harmful things in our body. (just in case you want to know about these cells as well) Red blood cells are what transport oxygen throughout our body.

What kills infectious bacteria in the human body?

White blood cells in the immune system, or artificially-introduced antibiotics. What kills bacteria and microbes are white blood cells and your antibodies which your body makes on its own. It recognizes the bacteria pathogen so that the next time it enters your body, you will have at least some immunity to it.

What blood cells fight germs that enter the body?

White blood cells tend to gobble up germs. White blood cells flock to areas of irritation and infection in order to fight them off.

How many white blood cells are in the human body?

there are 20 white blood cells in the body Andy from China wrote this it is not true there are really 600048677000000475 white blood cells

Is oxygen delivered to the cells of the body by white blood cells or red blood cells?

Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body. White blood cells aid in the fight against infection.

Where are most of the White Blood Cells in the human blood?

White Blood Cells are found everywhere in the body including blood and lymphatic cells.