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Germany did, according to clause 231 of the treaty of Versailles. the country was forced to take all the blame for the damage the war did to many countries.

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Q: Who accepted all guilt for world war 1?
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What was the war guilt clause of World War 1?

The war guilt clause forced Germany to take all the blame for World War I.

Who had to accept guilt for World War 1?

Germany had to accept the guilt. It also had to pay all reparations.

What was Germany forced to sign after World War 1?

War guilt clause

What country was burdened with war guilt and reparations as a result of World War 1?


What clause said Germany was responsible for World War 1?

Commonly known as the "Guilt Clause" or the "War Guilt Clause", Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles.

Who did the Allies declare bore the guilt for World War 1?

Your mother.

Who was forced to take blame for for World War 1 and sign war guilt cause?


What name was given to the money that had to be paid by Germany?

reparations (because of the war guilt for World War One)

Did Bulgaria have any war guilt during World War 1?

To say <GUILT> no, by its meaning on word. But it must be sorry that it couldn't recover its territory lost during Balkan wars

Who forced Germany to pay war damages and admit guilt in starting world war 1?

the allied forces

What was the name given to the money that had to be paid by Germany?

The money that had to be paid by Germany after World War I was known as reparations.

What is the impact of religion on today's world?

Same as it ever was. War, guilt, pain, conflict.