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secretary of health and human services

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Q: Who advises the president on healthcare concerns food and drug safety and child support matters?
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The national security council advises the president on?

advises the president on foreign policy and national security.military matters and foreign policy

What EOP agency advises the President in matters of national security?

The National Security Council.

Who advises the president on foreign policy and security issues and coordinate policy?

For national security it would be the secretary of defense.

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What official advises other officials on legal matters?

The official that advises other officials on legal matters is the Attorney General. He or she is responsible for ensuring that no arm of the government breaks the law in any way.

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The joint Chiefs of Staff advise on military matter. Their leader is the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Who advises the president in directing the armed forces?

His official cabinet does. The President's cabinet consists of the head of all 15 executive departments and all may be called on the give advice, but the current President almost never holds cabinet meetings. The Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are his main advisers in military matters.

What are the power of the presidency?

The president has the power to send in U.S. troops but only congress can declare war. Some other executive duties are foreign relations and arranging treaties. The president chooses the department heads, whom Congress must then approve. The cabinet, made up of these department secretaries, advises the president on important matters.