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International tourists are from country to country tourists. Between nations. Tourists in a country travelling from one state/County to other parts of the same country are not considered international .

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Q: Who are international tourists?
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Describe the four basic types of tourist?

There are four main types of tourists. These types of tourists include international tourists, regional tourists, domestic tourists, as well as excursionists.

How many tourists are in Cancun Mexico?

More than 8 million national and international tourists are expected to arrive to the Cancun International Airport during 2015.

Why domestic tourist are relatively neglected by host countries in comparison to international tourist?

There are many reasons. International tourists are a bigger market than domestic tourists. If they go away with a good impression, more may come. Domestic tourists know more about their home country in terms of culture, places to go, things to do, so less effort needs to be made to make them aware. More needs to be done in those categories for international tourists. There is more competition for international tourists so a lot needs to be done to entice them to come to a country. International tourists generally have more money to spend, so they are good to get. For these and many other reasons, countries put more effort into international tourists.

Why are domestic tourists relatively neglected by researchers and government in comparison to international tourists in Australia?

Relatively little is know about domestic tourists compared with their international counterparts, despite their numbers and economic importance. One reason is that national governments do not consider domestic tourists to be as worthy of scrutiny, since they do not bring much valued foreign exchange into the country but 'merely' redistribute wealth from one part of the country to another. Another reason for the relative neglect is that domestic tourists are usually difficult to count than international tourists, since they are not subject, in democratic countries at least, to the border formalities faced by the most international tourists. However, where countries are moving towards political and economic integration, and hence more open borders, international tourists flows are becoming just as difficult to monitor as domestic flows.

What ranking does Canada have in tourism?

In 2007 Canada was the 14th most-visited country by international tourists. 17.9 million tourists visited that year.

What is meant by tour brochure?

A map is designed by the tourism department of the country where the situation is exist for domastic and international tourists because it helps the tourists

What is the importance of international tourism?

The effect on the economy of the destination is one of the things of importance in international tourism. Many countries depend on the funds that result from international tourists.

Do tourists visit Mexico often?

Yes. It was visited by 23.4 million international tourists during 2011, ranking as the 11th most visited country in the world.

What are the preferences of international tourists?

More than one survey has shown that most international tourists are not just interested in the local sites. Visitors are also interested in the environmental issues pertaining to the places they visit as well as the cultural and social dynamics.

How many people visit Oaxaca Mexico?

Approximately 4.6 million tourists visit Oaxaca each year (2013). From those, only 300,000 are international tourists.

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Is it nice in Mexico?

Yes. Being one of the most popular destinations for international tourists is proof it is.