

Best Answer

Darcy Wills,Brisana Meeks,Hakeem Randall,

Tarah Carson,Cooper Hooden,Darcy's father

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Q: Who are the main characters in A matter of trust?
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What is the main idea in a matter of trust?

What are the main events that happened in a matter of trust

When was Matter of Trust created?

Matter of Trust was created in 1997.

When was A Matter of Trust created?

A Matter of Trust was created in 1986.

Who are the main characters in the landry news?

the main what? the main characters are Cara and Mr.Larson

What are the main characters in the book rules?

The main characters in the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord are Catherine, a girl who has a younger brother with autism named David, and Jason, a boy who moves in next door and becomes friends with Catherine and David. The story follows how these characters navigate friendship, family dynamics, and understanding differences.

What are the themes in a matter of trust?

a matter of trust the book what specific events that happen in the book

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what was the solution of the book a matter of trust

Who is the main character of the tortise and the hare?

The main character of "The Tortoise and the Hare" fable is the hare, known for his overconfidence and arrogance, while the tortoise is the secondary character known for his perseverance and determination.

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There are lots of main characters in the secret show. Although the main main characters are Victor Volt and Anita Knight

Why are the main characters in the book twilight important?

Because they are the main characters.

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Who are the main characters in the gift of magi?

Who are the characters in The Landry News?

the main what? the main characters are Cara and Mr.Larson