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because of the sweaty ninjas

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Q: Who are the renaissance artists that were influenced by humanism?
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What artists influenced humanism on renaissance art?

Mainly Botticelli.

How did humanism influence Renaissance painting sculpture?

The Renaissance was considered an awakening in the fields of painting and sculpture. Many famous artists and sculptures were influenced by the emphasis on Humanism in the arts.

How is humanism reflected in renaissance art Explain with examples.?

The Humanism used their renaissance art to influencing artists. This also had architects carring on classical traditions.

How did humans influence Renaissance painting and sculpture?

The Renaissance was considered an awakening in the fields of painting and sculpture. Many famous artists and sculptures were influenced by the emphasis on Humanism in the arts.

How did humanism influence Renaissance ideas?

Humanism not only influenced Renaissance ideas but really sparked their creation. Humanism places man before God, which is almost completely opposite of Midaevel ideology. where the middle ages artists focused mainly on religious icons, Renaissance artists started to venerate the human body over God. Deism, atheism, and especially agnosticism became acceptable at this time. In essence, humanism helped secularize education, art, and government

Which culture has the most influence on renaissance humanism?

There is two culture that is most influenced on renaissance humanism. The to main cultures would be Greek and Roman.

When did the Italian renaissance humanism start?

Humanism was a strong characteristic of the Renaissance which began in Italy early in the fifteenth century with artists like Brunelleschi and Donatello.

How is the humanism of the Renaissance reflected in arts?

The Humanism of the Renaissances reflected in its art by influencing artists and architects to carry on classical traditions.

How is humanism of the Renaissance reflected in its arts?

The Humanism of the Renaissances reflected in its art by influencing artists and architects to carry on classical traditions.

How did Italian renaissance humanism influence the visual arts of that period?

it influenced the arts because most art before this time was religious themed, and in the renaissance artists started doing portraits and signing their work. Artists also began making humans with more characteristics and better proportioned.

What was the Medici family influenced the development of Renaissance art by?

providing patronage for Renaissance artists

What aspects of life did humanism influence around the Renaissance?

humanism greatly impacted the ranassiance because humanism in the individual, and the renassiance was rebirth. so it is basically the rebirth of humanismHumanism not only influenced Renaissance ideas but really sparked their creation. Humanism places man before God.