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No offense but this is a dumb question. So many people use illegal drugs. Your best friend could be using them, your boss, your neighbot, you never know.

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Q: Who are the user's of illegal drugs in the US?
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Related questions

How many illegal drugs are there in the us?

There are a lot of drugs in the US. Count how many sewage pipes are in the US. That's how many illegal drugs are in the US.

When using illegal drugs why does the risk of catching certain infectious diseases increase?

Some illegal drug users share needles

Why drug users done anything illegal in order to obtain drugs?

Because they're addicted

Are cartels illegal in the US?

Well considering that drugs are illegal then yes cartels are

What is the number one US import?

illegal drugs and missiles.

What two problems confront the US along its southern border?

illegal drugs and illegal immigrants

What was the US and Mexico war about?

Mexico was supplying drugs in US through illegal channels.

What are some drugs that are illegal in the US?

cocain canabish cristal meth

What kind of food is illegal to sell in college?

No food is illegal to sell in college in the US. However, it is illegal to sell foods laced with drugs, such as marijuana brownies. This is due to the drugs inside of them, though, not the food itself.

What is in the drugs that make them illegal?

Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.

Why can a illegal alien get foods stamps but not a felony for drugs?

Illegal immigrants can't get food stamps (any children they have while they're in the US can, but the people who immigrated illegally cannot) and they most certainly do get felony convictions for illegal drugs.

How many kids in the US have tried illegal drugs?

I'd say.... 5 million...? I have... -.-