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You first have to find out Zeus's trick, get the mirror, then talk to Hercules

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Heracles helps you move the stone (once you give the items to Zeus and get the magic mirror)

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Q: Who is strong enough to move the Boulder from Hades throne room?
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How do you move the stone to hades throne room on mythology island?

After you collect all five sacred items, return to the Tree of Immortality. Zeus will take them. Then you can go to Hercules and talk to him. Use the Touchscreen Mirror to teleport to Hades throne room and Hercules will move the boulder.

How do you get to hades throne?

Hercules has to follow you, then you have to cross the green river thing on the boat. when you get to the other side you go up to the rich and click on a boulder and Hercules will open it for you! and that's how you get there! .

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hades throne is made from skulls and in the shape of a throne in the under world next to his wife's throne

Who is the Greek god who does not have a throne on Olympus?

Hades does not have a throne in Olympus. His throne was in the underworld.

Why doesn't hades have a throne on Olympus?

Hades' throne is in the underworld. He spends most of his time there, and rumor has it that the other Olympian gods were too creeped out by him to let him have a throne on Olympus.

How do you move the boulder in front of hades thrne room?

Get Hurc to do it

Why is hades not seated at a throne on Olympus?

Hades had his own realm of which he was King, that of the Underworld, and Hades did not often leave it.

How do you get the drachama from hades in poptropica?

By cleaning his throne.

How can you roll the rock out of the way on Mythology Island?

Hercules will roll it away for you. After Zeus obtains the five sacred items, Hercules will finally go with you, and will kick away the rock at Poseidon's throne room as well as removing the boulder at Hades.

How do you get to posidens throne room in poptropica?

When you finish going to Hades' throne room ,use your mirror from Aphrodite and click Hades' symbol.Then,click on Hercules.Hercules will crunch the rock blocking Poseidon's throne room.Then you can go into his throne room.

How do you move the boulder on Mythology Island?

Only Hercules has the strength to move the boulders at the throne rooms of Hades and Poseidon. And Herc will not help you until after Zeus has stolen the Sacred Items from you, in his bid to rule Poptropica. To reach the throne rooms with Hercules, you need the Touchscreem Mirror from Aphrodite's test (on the beach in Poseidon's realm).