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The Norse people.

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Q: Who created aegir Norse god of the seas?
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What is Poseidon name in Norse?

The god of water in Norse Mythology was Njord. But be aware he was also the God of Fire and wind and cannot be considered to be the same as Poseidon.

What is the name of the Norse Mythology pirate chief?

You are either referring to Aegir/Hler or Hnoss. Hnoss is the "God of Treasure" while Aegir/Hler was assumed to be greedy by humans because he is the "Commander of the Sea" and often sank merchant ships, therefore people thought he was greedy.

Who is equivalent to oceanus in Norse mythology?

If you mean the God or Gods of the Ocean ... there is 3 I suppose. Njord is the Vanic God of the bounty of the ocean, the fruit of the waters. He's a fisherman, lives on a boat, and is generally a good natured God. There is then the Jotuns, Aegir and Ran. Aegir is a Jotun (Giant) of the Ocean, who is the raw chaotic force of the waves. He lives underwater with his wife Ran, who has a net used to drag sailors to their deaths. In Aegir's hall, gold was used as fire to light his hall, and so Ocean's fire, or Aegir's fire, can be used as a poetic kenning for gold.

The Greek- Norse gods?

Greek God/desses Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dementer, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus and Pegasus. Norse God/desses Aegir/Hler, Baldur, Loki, Odin, Frigg, Tyr, Thor, Freya, Frey, Heimdall, Fenrir-Wolf. These are the main gods of Greek and Norse Mythology.

Is there a roman goddess of wine?

There was no Norse god of wine, although it said that Aegir brewed the best mead. Aegir was a giant, a Jotun, who represented the sea.

Which norse god created the earth and the human race?


Who is the Norse god of fire?

Loki is the Norse god of fire.

Who was the Norse god of fire?

Loki is the Norse god of fire.

Who is the Norse war god?

Odin is the Norse god of war.

Is fenrir a greek god?

No, he is in fact a Norse god, He is the God of wolves in Norse mythology.

Thor is based on the Norse god of what?

He is the Norse god of Thunder

What did Norse god Thor control?

Thor was the Norse god of thunder.