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martin met his wife coretta

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Q: Who did martin Luther king meet in Boston and what became of their relationship?
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What day and year did Martin Luther King became a minister?

Martin Luther King became minister on August 19th 1947.

What did be Martin Luther King became after college?

He became a minister

Where did Martin Luther King Jr find work after he got out of Boston University?

Martin Luther King, Jr., became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama when he was twenty-five years old in 1954. He received his PhD from Boston University on 5 June 1955. So he already had a job when he finished at Boston University.

Who became the Protestant Reformation?

martin luther

What was Martin Luther's relationship like with his father?


What jobs did Martin Luther have before he became famous?

Martin Luther was a Catholic priest before he became famous.

Where did Martin Luther King Jr. graduate to?

He graduated at Boston unerversity

After living in Boston where did Martin Luther King Jr move to?

in newyork

When did Martin Luther King Jr enroll in Boston university?


When did Martin Luther King Jr became senator?

He never became a senator.

What did Martin Luther King Jr receive his degree in from Boston University?

Martin Luther King, Jr. received a PhD in systematic theology from the Boston University School of Theology on 5 June 1955

When did martin Luther became pasture and where was his church?

He became a pasture in 1960 and i am not sure about the church