

Who did you go agest in the Vietnam war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The NVA,VC nva stands for north Vietnamese army VC stands for Vietcong we fought both in the Nam war the nva was a trained army the VC were a bunch of farmers or north civilians who helped the nva the VC were like militia the axis forces are North Vietnam and Socialism and Communism countries who helped / supplied the nva and the VC the allied powers were USA, Arvn French british Australia they all helped the south during the war 1954-1975

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Q: Who did you go agest in the Vietnam war?
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'55 to '75.

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1955 to 1975.

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French Indochina War (1946-1954).

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France. Before the COld War began, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were the colony of French Indochina.