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It is named for Max Wilms, a German surgeon (1867-1918) and is also known as a nephroblastoma.

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Q: Who discovered Wilms' tumor?
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Related questions

Is Wilms' tumor malignant?

Wilms' tumor is a type of malignant tumor

How can Wilms' tumor be prevented?

There are no known ways to prevent a Wilms' tumor, although it is important that children with birth defects associated with Wilms' tumor be carefully monitored.

What demographic group gets Wilms' tumor?

Wilms' tumor occurs almost exclusively in young children

Is a Wilms tumor infectious or noninfectious?

Wilms tumor is a cancerous tumor (noninfectious). It is a leading cause of cancer in young children, affecting the kidney and its development.

What is the treatment for Wilms' tumor?

In the United States, treatment for Wilms' tumor almost always begins with surgery to remove or decrease the size of the kidney tumor.

What causes Wilms' tumor?

Hello, I see you are asking "What are the causes for wilms tumor and pseudohermaphroditism?" Doctors have found that some Wilms tumors have changes in specific genes: A small number of Wilms tumors have changes in or loss of the WT1 or WT2 genes, which are tumor suppressor genes found on chromosome 11. Changes in these genes and some other genes on chromosome 11 can lead to the overgrowth of certain body tissues. For more information, you can visit this URL - mentalhealthhelpcenter. com/condition/wilms-tumor-and-pseudohermaphroditism/c/41034

Most common cause of sudden death in wilms tumor?

there can be many causes of death under different circumstances and states and is not necessary that it would be wilms tumor

How prevalent is Wilms' tumor?

In the United States, Wilms' tumor occurs in 8.3 individuals per million in white children under the age of 15 years.

Wilms tumor is associated with which syndrome?

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Which is radiosensitive tumor?

Lymphoma multiple myeloma seminoma wilms ewings medulloblastoma

What birth effects accompany Wilms' tumor?

Wilms' tumors are found more commonly in patients with other types of birth defects. These defects include:

What does Wilms tumor mean?

A disease in which malignant (cancer) cells are found in the kidney, and may spread to the lungs, liver, or nearby lymph nodes. Wilms tumor usually occurs in children younger than 5 years old.