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Christians follow one God and one God only, whom they believe is three in one:

  • God the Father
  • God the Son
  • God the Holy Spirit

They believe that God the Father created the world, God the Son was crusified on the cross to save the world from sin, and God the Holy Spirit lives inside of them, and helps them do the right thing when Satan tempts them.

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14y ago
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11y ago

I am a main stream Christian and Pray to the God of the Holy Christian Bible. Specifically to God the Father, that is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I end my prayer in Jesus's Name as it was He who has given me the authority to pray to God the father and this was by His death and resurrection.

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11y ago

I think the correct way to phrase that is "What doChristian people worship?" as Christians still exist today. :)

They worship God, in arabic known as Allah, not sure what that is in other languages, but it is a monotheistic concept of "one and only one God".

Where it gets confusing (and they can get accused of polytheism by those that don't comprehend it) is that they believe that Jesus is God and the Son of God. This is what sets them apart from Judaism and Islam. Now I could go on and explain in detail about how that came to be, but that's not your question here. :)

Suffice to say, they believe that although God is one and only one god with no equals, partners, offspring, parents, etc; they believe he has different facets - sort of like we have different facets. A woman can be a mother, and a wife, and a daughter and a career woman and no matter what people refer to her as or perceive her to be, she's still the same woman. It's like that with Christians and God. They believe Jesus was the human incarnation of God, born of no human father and thus the Son of God, and they also believe God has a spiritual aspect to him. Thus, to Christians, God is Father (creator), Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit (god) all rolled into one grand glorious thing and the only thing worth worshipping.

Despite this, you may hear them praying to saints and even deceased loved ones that they believe to be in heaven. The reason for this is one of communication. Most will pray directly to God, but sometimes people may feel uncomfortable trying to pray directly to Him, so they pray to a saint or the like instead as a means by which to "pass on the message". Sort of like you might not feel comfortable talking directly to your boss about a problem, so you might first turn to a fellow co-worker for some guidance first. Praying to someone isn't always a means by which to display worship, there can be other reasons for doing it, and there can be other ways to worship God instead of praying.

I hope that helps.

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12y ago

Christians (should) only worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Christians worship God. No other idols. *Laura*

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12y ago

i wil tell who is worshipped in Christianity god is worshipped and Jesus christ the son of god is worshipped i hope this helps you lol

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14y ago

this is the stupidest question ive ever heard.

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