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A Pediatrician

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Q: Who gets paid more an interior designer or a pediatrician?
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Does an interior designer get paid more than an architect?

i certainly hope so.. im an interior designer!!!

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It would really depend. But on average an interior designer.

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designer makes more money

Who earns more an architecture or an interior designer?

both its about the same!

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you would work with an interior decorator, painters, carpenters and lots more

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if the designer is CHUCK NORRIS

Which is the best career move to make interior decorator or interior designer?

They are both the same really but It's up to youI'd say interior design is more complicated because you have to think more but interior decorating would be fun!!!up to you

What kinds of things does an interior designer do?

Interior designers work with clients to remodel or redesign indoor spaces to make them either more attractive and/or more functional. Interior designers believe that the space should be used efficiently and beautifully.

Who gets pay more interior designer or accountant?

I think usually an accountant because they often work for companys rather than being self employed. However the average might be similar for both because ,although some interior designers dont earn much and its more of a hobby, some earn ALOT but its harder to make the job work

How much money does interior designers make per year?

Being an Interior Designer has it's rewards, not only monetarily but it is also creatively satisfying. A typical average salary for an experienced interior designer is about $52,000 a year, that's around $25 an hour. If one is just starting out, the average beginning salary is between $29,000-$39,000 a year. You can earn more money if you are certified by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification or NCIDQ or if they have a certification from a school or agency that may increase the salary of an interior designer.