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Which ever one drinks more water.

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Q: Who has the greatest percentage of water in their cells buffalo an ant or a human?
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Stem cells can be harvested by destroying human embryos.

Is cape water buffalo urine flammable?

its not flammable but has an immense amount of sting to the human skin, nerves, and cells.

What percentage of sperm is defective?

In a normal human male, up to 10% of Sperm cells are defective.

What is the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood?

About 1 4th of an percentage .That is because blood cells are very very small and ther is about a 86.731.658.790 in blood cells in an average human body and every second one is dying and one is being born

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The longest human cell are nerve cells in the human body. Some of them run the length of the spine all the way to the toes and may be as long as 1.5m in length.

What 4 elements make up the human tissue?

The four elements that make up the greatest percentage of the human body by percentage of body mass are oxygen (65%), carbon (18.5%), hydrogen (9.5%), and nitrogen (3.2%) but there are many others in smaller amounts.

What percentage of human sper cells carry an X chromosome?

50% that's why there is an equal chance of having a girl or boy child

How are animal cells different from human cells?

None really as human cells are animals cells.

What is the osmosis in human cells?

osmosis in human cells

Does the human body have more bacterial or human cells?

it has more human cells actually the human body has more bacterial cells. Although it may seem more likely that the human body would have more human cells than bacterial cells. -Vasillisa