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Any Roman citizen of the first class had the right to vote and also had the right to become a consul. However they had this RIGHT, but they did not necessarily use it. Getting oneself elected consul was a long sometimes tedious process and also very expensive. The course of honor, as the election steps were called, was out of the financial reach of most citizens.

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Q: Who in the roman repulic had the right to vote and become a consul?
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Who in the roman republic had the right to vote and become a consul?

The patricians had the right to vote, as did the plebeians and equites and all the Roman citizens of the first class. Rome was a republic and all citizens could vote, depending on their class of citizenship. As far as becoming consul, anyone could run for the office providing he had completed the other offices leading up to consulship. In the later republic there was a law that one consul had to be a plebeian.

Why was Caesar chosen to become consul?

Caesar was chosen to be consul because it is the yummiest dressing for salads and is very cheap. :) so when it became consul every bodies health skyrocketed ending obesity in the roman empire!

What is a consul?

A consul was the highest elected office under the Roman Empire. They were the head of the government.

Was cicero a roman emporer?

No, Cicero was one of Rome's greatest orators. He was basically a lawyer. He rose to the rank of counsul, and was a staunch supporter of the republic. He lived at the time of Julius Caesar, years before the idea of "emperor" was ever imagined.

Who in roman republic had the right to vote and become consul?

During the period of the Roman Republic, all male Roman citizens had the right to vote. The only legal requirement to be elected as consul was age. You had to be 42. Technically, any Roman citizen could become a consul. However, all the consuls were either from the patrician aristocracy or rich plebeian entrepreneurs. These two groups formed an oligarchy who controlled political power. During the period of rule by emperor, the emperors were absolute rulers. The practice of electing the executive officers of state, including the consuls, was either stopped or made an irrelevant formality. The consuls became appointees of the emperor.

When did roman became a repulic?

509bce after they they expelled Tarqinius Superbus , the last of the infamous Etruscan Kings.

What were the powers of a roman consul?

power of veto

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Who was Marius?

Gaius Marius (157 BC - January 13, 86 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. He held the office of consul an unprecedented seven times during his career.