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Grendal is a decendent of the biblical Cain; diplaced, unloved by God, and so viciously vengeful.

He follows the basic psychological model of someone shunned by society and therefore detesting the fact society is having fun.

If only they'd just invited him along.

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Q: Who is Grendal in the book Beowulf?
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What is grendal's mother name in the store of Beowulf?

Grendel's mother's name in the story of Beowulf is not explicitly mentioned. She is only referred to as "Grendel's mother."

Whatr happen during the fight of Beowulf and grendal?

Beowulf ripped of Grendel's arm, and the monster fled.

In british folk lore who was the monster slain by Beowulf?

In British folklore, the monster slain by Beowulf is Grendel, a powerful demon descended from Cain. Beowulf defeats Grendel by tearing off his arm during a climactic battle in Heorot Hall.

What are five examples of kennings used in Beowulf?

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What weapon does Beowulf take to battle grendal's mother?

Hrunting, a sword handed down from Hrothgar's forefathers.

Did Beowulf kill grendal?

Yes, Beowulf kills Grendel by ripping Grendel's arm off. After he loses his arm, Grendel flees to the forest back to his home to die there.

Who loans Beowulf a sword to fight grendel's mother?

Beowulf is loaned a sword by Unferth to fight Grendel's mother.

Who did Beowulf kill?

Beowulf killed Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a dragon in the epic poem "Beowulf". These battles were significant in establishing Beowulf's reputation as a hero.

Beowulf uses to kill Grendel's mother?

Beowulf uses a giant's sword to kill Grendel's mother in their underwater lair. He finds the sword hanging on the wall and uses it to strike a fatal blow.

What is Beowulf trophy?

The Beowulf trophy is an award granted by the National Football League (NFL) to the winner of the annual game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Detroit Lions. The trophy is a sculpture symbolizing the epic tale of Beowulf, reflecting the fierce and competitive nature of the rivalry between the two teams.

What great work of English literature has the character Grendal?

There is a great work of literature that includes the beast, Grendel. In the story of Beowulf, the eponymous hero slays the monster, Grendel.

Hrothgar's favorite thane eaten by grendal's mother?

Beowulf, the favorite thane of King Hrothgar, is not eaten by Grendel's mother. It is actually Hrothgar's most trusted advisor, Æschere, who is killed by Grendel's mother in revenge for Beowulf killing her son.