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A legal entity is considered a person for purposes of a contract. Corporations and companies are legally considered a person.

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Q: Who is a person in contract law?
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If a person sues a person for nonpayment of work donewhat type of law is involved?

Contractual Law. The non-payment is a breach of contract

What is an example of the persons disqualified by law to enter into a contract?

As for contract law, a person must be able to understand the nature and consequences of the contract when it is formed. Mental capacity refers to one's legal ability to enter into a contract. Your question is assumed to refer to a person who lacks mental capacity. A person who lacks mental capacity cannot understand the obligations under a contract and that makes the contract voidable in most cases.Also, a minor cannot make a valid contract in most cases.

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Yes, it is true that the law prohibits another person from signing a contract even if the other individual is handicapped. But if the person that is handicapped re-types the contract and types his or hers signature it's fine.

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Give an example of how a conversation between the person answering the phone at a doctor's office and the patient who called could create a contract, demonstrating your knowledge of contract law and agency law.

How do I collect money when I have a signed contract but person just won't pay?

Via Court of Law

What type of contract requires a law to be broken?

It would not be a valid contract. A contract to break the law is illegal.

When an party competent enter into a contract?

A person's capacity to enter into a contract refers to the legal ability of a person to enter into a contract. It also means that they can mentally understand the terms of the contract. visit our website to know more link in bio.

What difference between law of contract and law of tort and how these differences could play out in a business environment?

Contract law, Tort law and Business law are all full-year courses at law schools with advanced courses in each area available in senior years. Your question is huge. Put very very simply: Contract law is about agreements between persons that create mutual obligations. I offer you $1000 for your car and you accept. That's a contract. Tort law is about one person's duty of care for another's welfare. You accidentally hit me with your car. That's a Tort. In business, a company is a person and is subject to both Contract and Tort law. (and criminal, civil rights, employment, tax and many many other laws)

What is an example of an private law?

Private laws are those that do not apply to everyone. An example of private law is a contract. As long as it is not illegal, you can contract for many things or you contract away your rights.

What is the origin of the phrase contract law?

Contract law is just a body of law regarding... well... contracts.

Where could one find some contract laws?

Contract law is a large and complex area of the law. You can find a summary of the main principles of contract law by visiting the Wikipedia page titled English contract law.