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The person who was following too closely to stop before hitting the car ahead.

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Q: Who is at fault in a rear-ending accident if the person in front slammed on their brakes?
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What if a person cuts in front of you you honks the horn and then the person hits the brakes to cause a rear end accident?

you should tell them to be a brain surgeon

Who is at fault when a car stops short in front of you on purpose causing a rear end collision?

The person doing the rear ending is most times at fault unless it can be proved that the other car purpously cut in front of you and slammed on brakes other wise it doesnt matter that they slammed on brakes on purpouse, the following driver is supposed to maintain a proper distance allowing for any sudden stops. Sorry

Who is at fault when a person waives another into an accident?

The person who causes the accident is at fault

If the car merging onto a road in front of you was beyond the Yield sign and slammed on their brakes Who is at fault?

Sounds like you rear-ended them. Are you the same person who had the driver ahead "Brake aggressively" a couple of weeks ago? If the front of your car strikes the back of another and they are not in reverse, 99.99% of the time you are at fault.

In a minor accident the children in the back seat were wearing lap belts but they still sustained bruises around the abdomen and had some internal organ injuriesWhy is this area vulnerable to damage?

When the car stops suddenly (like if you slammed on the brakes to try to avoid a collision) inertia keeps the people moving forward. The seatbelt would have slammed into the person pretty hard, and the sheer force would cause the bruising.

How do you fix the brakes stuck on a 1991 Honda accord?

It is illegal to repair brakes by an average person take the vehicle to a qualified person.

Who is liable in a multi-car accident?

The person that is responsible for the accident.

In Texas what boat operators required to do when involved in an accident?

Give assistance to any person injured in the accident.

Can a person just drive away after an accident?

"No, if a person simply drives away after an accident this is considered a hit-and-run. If an accident occurs, even if there are no injuries it is essential that it is reported to the police."

How do i find a person's insurance company?

If you were involved in an accident with this person then their insurance information will be listed on the accident report. If you were not involved in an accident then it is not your business who they have insurance with. Much of this is covered by the privacy laws so if you really have to know ask the person.

Why does a person without a seat belt continue moving in a car accident?

Momentum! Car has momentum before an accident, this momentum is transferred to the person after the car has made an abrupt stop (accident).

What happens if you are sued from the person who hit you in a car accident. The person you hit was ticketed for the accident at the time.?

If a person who sues you was the person responsible for the accident, they have little chance of winning the claim. But they have succeeded in scaring you, reducing the chance that you will sue them. It looks like you must counter-claim, and say that you are waiting for the outcome of the court-case on the ticket for the accident. If they are found guilty of causing the accident, no court will hold you responsible for their damages.