

Who is bigger Bengals or Siberian tigers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who is bigger Bengals or Siberian tigers?
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What is the white Siberian tigers favourite food?

White tigers are Bengals, not Siberian, and deer and wild hog, and buffalo are their prey.

What is the difference between a Siberian tiger and a white Siberian tiger?

White tigers are Bengals, not siberians. Siberians are slightly larger than Bengals.

What are white Siberian tigers home look like?

Siberian tigers live in deciduous forests, and are not white. All of the wild white tigers were Bengals.

How are white Bengal tigers and white Siberian tigers different?

White Bengal tigers are the ONLY white tiger, white Siberian tigers do not exist. People just mistake white Bengals for siberians.

How long do white Siberian tigers usually live?

Tigers can live for twenty years or more. White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians.

Why is the white Siberian tigers do not become extinct?

White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians, and none have been seen in the wild for years.

Are White Siberian tigers extinct?

The white tigers are bengals, not siberians, and none are currently in the wild. All are in captivity.

What do Siberian White Tigers use to breathe?

They use their lungs, with air drawn in through the nostrils. And white tigers are just white bengals, not siberians.

How different are the Bengal and snow tigers?

If by snow tiger you mean the Siberian tiger, the main differences are: Siberians average slightly heavier, and are somewhat longer than Bengals. Siberian tigers also have longer fur, and are somewhat paler in color.

Who are the Siberian tiger's enemies or predators?

I work with tigers and there is not such a thing as a snow tiger. White tigers are just white Bengals. Tigers do not have any natural enemies, only humans.

Why different weights for tigers?

Some subspecies are larger than others..Siberian and Bengals can be 600 pounds or more..The other subspecies are smaller.

How do white Siberian tigers communicate?

White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians. They communicate through sound like roaring, and also by scent usually by spraying or scent they can release from the bottoms of their feet