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Their first reactions to each other are caused by emotion because they are instantly in love without knowing anything about each other.

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i think it was rational because they both love each other very much and doesn't wan anything to happen to them.

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Romeo more than Juliet, as the beginning of Act 3 Scene 5 (the lark/nightingale scene) demonstrates.

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Q: Who is ruled by emotion rather than reason in romeo and Juliet?
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In the final act how are romeos actions guided more by emotion than reason?

In the final act of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo's actions are guided more by emotion than reason when he decides to take his own life upon seeing Juliet apparently dead. Despite the possibility of misunderstanding and the importance of verifying information, Romeo acts impulsively out of his overwhelming love and grief for Juliet without considering the consequences of his actions. This emotional response ultimately leads to the tragic demise of both Romeo and Juliet.

What are the influences from Shakespeare's writing today?

Every play that Shakespeare did had an emotion to go with it. For exanple Romeo and Juliet had the emotion love and hate. This is way he is so famous. Each play had an emotion. For example Romeo and Juliet had the emotion love and hate

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the only reason is that Romeo was a Montague and Juliet was a Capulet which means that they are on different sides so that makes them enemy's.

What emotion does Shakespeare get us to experience during romeo and Juliet?

We feel very sad when they die.

What is the true reason Juliet kisses Romeo?

to get a boner

What is bad about the society of Romeo and Juliet?

The bad thing about the society in Romeo and Juliet is that they are very warlike and are always fighting for no good reason.

When Juliet uses hyperbole saying she'll die if Romeo is already married she is probably expressing the strength of her emotion rather than a true intention to die.?

Yes, Juliet's use of hyperbole in this instance likely serves to emphasize the intensity of her emotions rather than to imply a serious intent to die. It showcases the depth of her despair and the extreme nature of her feelings for Romeo.

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love is a powerful emotion and can change a person completely

Who does Juliet marry after Romeo dies?

In Shakespeare's play, "Romeo And Juliet" both Romeo and Juliet die, so neither of them gets to marry anybody apart from each other. It's a rather sad play. (This is why it is called a "Lamentable Tragedy")

Who support Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?

Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet (as in gets them married rather than actually marries them!) and he also supports Romeo. Juliet, on the other hand, is supported by her nurse, who later in the play is named 'Angelica'. She is the personal servant, guardian and former wet nurse of Juliet Capulet.

Who said temp'ring extremities with extreme sweet romeo and Juliet?

The line "temp'ring extremities with extreme sweet" is spoken by Romeo in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." In this scene, Romeo is describing how balancing extremes of emotion with acts of sweetness can bring about harmony and peace.