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Nona (Greek equivalent Clotho), who spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle;

Decima (Greek Lachesis), who measured the thread of life with her rod;

Morta (Greek Atropos), who cut the thread of life and chose the manner of a person's death

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In Norse mythology the Norns decided the fate of everybody in the 9 worlds. They also decide when Ragnarok was to come.

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There is no Norse goddess of the sea however there is a god. His name is Njord, he is also the god of winds.

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Q: Who are the Norse goddesses of fate?
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What is the name of the Norse god of fate?

The Norns are Norse goddesses of fate; Urðr (Wyrd), Verðandi and Skuld dwell beside the Well of Urðr.

Where do the goddesses of fate live?

The Norns, goddesses of fate in Norse mythology, live at the Well of Urdr at the base of the world-tree Yggdrasil. The Moirae, goddesses of fate in Greek mythology, as advisers of Zeus likely lived on Mt Olympus.

Norse godess of fate?

The Norse goddess of fate is usually referred to as the Norns. They are three female beings who control the destiny of gods and humans by weaving the threads of fate. Each Norn is associated with a specific aspect of destiny – Urd (fate), Verdandi (present), and Skuld (future).

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What is the role of fate in Norse myth?

Fate played a large part in Norse Mythology. According to Norse Mythology the gods knew of Ragnarok (end of the world) and that when Heimdall blew his horn at the beginning the battle was starting. The Norns were three beings that could foresee the future and the fate of the Norse Mythological universe.

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The Greek goddess Aphrodite and Venus was identified with the Norse goddesses Freyja and Frigg.

In the Norse world what controls events?

unalterable fate

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The names for weekdays are based on Norse gods and goddesses. Wednesday is Woden's day, after the Norse god Woden or Odin.

Who is the Norse goddesses of faith?

Vor was the goddess of faithfulnessVor's name means Vow.