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They worship more than one.

Aegus Mac Og; Afallach; Aine; Aine of Knocaine; Amaethon; Anu; Balor; Bile; Boann; Bres; Brighid; Caileach; Ceridwen; Crom Dubh; Dagada; elemar; The goddess of sovereignty; Lludd Llaw Ereint; Lugh; Manannan; The morrigan; Nuada; Oenghus mac n'Og; Ogma; Scathach; Tailtiu

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Q: Who is the god of the druids?
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Chief god of ancient druids?

The chief god of the ancient druids was the Dagda. The Dagda was the chief father god and was married to Morrigan.

Who is the chief god of the ancient druids?

The Druids were big believers in nature and revered the earth. They also prayed to a god named Beal, who was represented by the Sun.

Who was the chief god of the ancient druids?

Be' al, meaning the life of everything or the source of all beings, was the Celtic name of the one god worshipped by the ancient Druids. There apparently was some similarity between the Druid god Be' al and the Phœnician god Baal.

Did the Druids believe in God?

There are many of them. Druidism is polytheistic (many gods). There is not one which dominates.

What did the druids do?

the druids were preists

Do druids celebrate Christmas and do they believe in God?

The Druid religion of ancient Britain died out following the arrival of Christianity. The Druids did not worship the Abrahamic God. They did not celebrate Christmas as we know it, but did have a mid-winter celebration on December 25th, the day when the sun seems to begin to reverse its annual cycle.

Are druids and Celts the same?

Druids are/were a part of the Celtic People.

When did The Mystery of the Druids happen?

The Mystery of the Druids happened in 2001.

When was Druids F.C. created?

Druids F.C. was created in 1869.

What do druids believe in?

There was no set religion or deities for the druids as Celtic druidism was never a unified religion. What is probable is that the druids believed in whatever local gods they grew up hearing about or the gods that they had been taught to worship by more senior druids. In short a druid in eastern England may have believed in a god which a druid in western England had never heard of. What is certain is that no matter what the names or faces that these gods or goddesses had, they all represented a different part of nature from the perspective of the Celtic people. The druidic religions were all very compatible and a sea god in the western part of England would just be taken as another name for the eastern Celtic druids gods.

Which tree do Druids regard sacred?

the druids think that the oak tree is sacred

What people called their priests and learned men druids?

the druids learned from the Celts :)