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Q: Who is the main character in the book The Westing Game?
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Who is the main character in the westing game?

The main character in "The Westing Game" is a young girl named Turtle Wexler. Throughout the book, she is revealed to be a resourceful and determined individual as she becomes deeply involved in the mystery surrounding the death of Samuel Westing.

Is Julian Eastman a main character in the westing game?

not really, he doesnt really come into the book into the end.

Who is turtle in the westing game?

Turtle Wexler is a smart, determined 13-year-old girl in the book "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. She is one of the heirs involved in the mysterious Westing Game, and her cleverness and resourcefulness play a key role in solving the game's puzzles.

Who gave the answer to the westing game?

In the book "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin, the answer to the mystery of Sam Westing's death is ultimately revealed by Turtle Wexler, one of the main characters in the story who solves the puzzle using her cleverness and resourcefulness.

What are 10 similarities in the westing game book vs movie?

Both the book and movie follow the same central mystery of the Westing game. The characters in both versions have similar names and personalities. The setting of the story in Sunset Towers is consistent across both mediums. The main plot points, such as the clues and red herrings, remain the same in both the book and movie. The resolution and reveal of the true identity of the bomber are consistent between the book and movie. The character relationships and interactions are portrayed similarly. The themes of friendship and teamwork are prominent in both the book and movie. The character development arcs for key players are comparable. The competitive nature of the Westing game is maintained in both the book and movie. The overall tone and atmosphere of the story align in both versions.

The main protagonists in the westing game?

Turtle Wexler

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The main character of the book Dalpne's Book is Dalpne.

What is a main character in a book?

to all the dumbies out there A main character is the character that the book most talks about

Aeneas is the main character what book is he in who is the author?

He's the main character of the book Aeneid, by Virgil.

What is the conflict of the westing game?

The main conflict in "The Westing Game" revolves around the sixteen heirs competing to solve the mystery of Samuel W. Westing's death and inherit his fortune. As they work together in pairs to unravel clues and secrets, they discover hidden connections and deceit among themselves, leading to tension and high stakes in the game. Ultimately, the conflict centers around the unpredictability of the game and the true motives of the characters involved.

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The main character is MARIA SCHNURMACHER

Who is the main character in the book Great Expetations?

Pip is the main character.