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Q: Who is the one of the greatest scientist who studied about the behavior ofd bodies in morion?
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Who is the scientist that studied falling bodies?

Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo both studied the effects of gravity on falling bodies.

Who studied the behavior of falling bodies and formulated laws covering the behavior of these object?

Galileo Galileo

Which scientist give explanation to the behavior of falling bodies?

Sir Isaac Newton

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What do theories help scientist with?

explain large bodies of data

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What field of science did Leonardo da Vinci study?

Leonardo was mainly involved in the fields of science and art. He was a painter, sculpted, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist, cartographer, and writer.

What are astronomers?

A scientist who studies celestial bodies such as planets, stars , and galaxies.

Do forensic scientist work with dead bodies?

yes that is their job specilty

Why were some of the accomplishments of chaldean astronomers?

they studied the heavenly bodies,mapped the stars,the planets,and the phases of the moon.