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gregor johann mendel laid the foundation of genetics by his pea plant hybridisation between 1856 to 1863. This experiment was famous after the death of mendel.

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Q: Who laid the foundation for the science of genetics?
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He laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics?

who laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics

Who laid down the basic foundation for science of genetics?

Gregor Mendel laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics in the mid to late 1800's. He did it with his studies in pea plants and crossbreeding.

What was mendell known for?

Gregor Mendel was famous because he discovered the basic principles of heredity and laid the mathematical foundation of the science of genetics.

Why was Gregor Mendel's work important to science?

Gregor Mendel (1822 - 1884) was an Austrian scientist and Augustinian Friar whose experiments with pea plants laid the foundation for the modern science of genetics.

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Why was Gregor Mendel famous?

Mendel is the so-called "Father of Genetics" for his work with pea plants. His work, although years before the discovery of DNA as the hereditary material, laid the foundation for modern genetics.

How is Mendel referred to today?

Gregor Mendel is referred to today as "the father of modern genetics" or "the founder of the science of genetics." His groundbreaking experiments with pea plants in the 19th century laid the foundation for our understanding of genetic inheritance. Mendel's laws of inheritance continue to be the basis for studying and explaining the transmission of traits from generation to generation in living organisms.

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