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Czar Nicholas

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Q: Who made wide ranging reforms in Russia in particularly freeing the Russian serfs?
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Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery?

Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery

Who was the Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery?

Rosa Parks....

A Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery?

abraham lincoln

A greek Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery?


What Russian word was used to describe reforms?


What type of reform movement occurred in Russia and what were the results?

One major reform movement that occurred in Russia was the Great Reforms, implemented by Tsar Alexander II in the mid-19th century. These reforms aimed to modernize and liberalize Russian society and included the abolition of serfdom, judicial and military reforms, and the establishment of local self-government institutions. While these reforms had some positive effects, such as freeing millions of peasants from serfdom, they also faced resistance, and ultimately failed to address the underlying social and political problems in Russia, leading to further unrest and eventually the Russian Revolution in 1917.

Which class of russian society probably didn't benefit from peter's reforms?

the farmers

This is the Russian term used for the economis reforms set in place by Mikhail Gorabachev in 1985?


List four causes of the Russian revolution?

these are just a few of the causes of the Russian Revolution:the impact of the industrializationthe October ManifestoBloody Sunday massacreStolypin's reforms and repressions

Which Russian ruler continued the modernization and reforms that have been started with peter the great?

Czarina Catherine the Great

Why did Gorbachev's reforms fail to improve the Russian economy?

By the time the Soviet elite realized that Gorbachev's reforms were necessary, it was actually too late. The Soviet Empire was too far gone and the government fell.

Who was Peter Stolypin?

Stolypin was a Russian prime minister from 1906 to 1911. he was assinated at a theatre and is best remembered for his attempts at land reforms. Pyotr (is how you spell his first name i think) Stolypin was a Russian prime minister from 1906 to 1911. he was assinated at a theatre and is best remembered for his attempts at land reforms. Pyotr (is how you spell his first name i think)