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Walter cronkite

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Q: Who originally coined the phrase The British Invasion?
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Who originally coined the phrase from sea to shining sea?

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Where did the phrase Cuba and Puerto Rico are two wings of the same bird originate?

Lola Rodriguez de Tio originally coined that phrase.

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Who coined the phrase, One in a million””

Who coined the phrase irrational exuberance?

Robert Shiller. Although Alan Greenspan made the phrase famous, he took the phrase originally from Robert Shiller, as stated in Greenspan's biography, "The Age of Turbulence."

Who coined the phrase 'Time is of the essence'?

It is an old phrase, origin not known. Seen originally in legal documents, so that actions provided for in the legal document must be completed by the date given

What is a coined expression?

A coined expression is a phrase that is very popular or one that is used often. A coined expression can also be a new phrase or an existing phrase or word that is used in a new sense.

Who coined the phrase information superhighway?

Nam June Paik coined the phrase "Information Highway" in 1974. :)

Who is the comedian who coined the phrase Here's your sign?

Bill Engvall is the comedian who coined the phrase, "Here's your sign".

What is a parchment barrier?

A parchment barrier refers to state that the rights written on parchment are ineffective at protecting anyone. James Madison originally coined this phrase.

What is the origin of the kiss of death?

Phrase originally coined in the new testament. Judas delivered Jesus the Kiss of Death in order to identify him to the Jews for his arrest.

Who coined the phrase tiny boxes what were they looking at?

robert hooke coined the phrase tiny boxes and he was looking at a cell

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