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It was either the SS or the prisoners in AUschwitz, it's usually the Prisoners who put the bodies in the creamatories but the SS are the ones who burns the bodies. This just dont happen in Auschwitz, this happens in all extermination and death camps.

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Q: Who put the bodies in the creamatories at Auschwitz?
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Bodies, those places were creamatories

Who piled bodies when they were dead in Auschwitz?

The Sonderkommando.

What occurred at Auschwitz?

Nazis. Auschwitz was a death camp where thousands were murdered by poison gas and their bodies incinerated in ovens.

What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

What kind of gas did Auschwitz use?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland used Zyklon B gas in their gas chambers afterwards creamated the bodies.

What were the people called that took the dead bodies to the crematories in Auschwitz?

They were the Sonderkommando ('Special squad').

What were the people made to do at Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was an extermination camp, NOT a labor camp. All they did was bring in Jews, cut their hair, then put them in line to die.

What happened to the first Slovak Jews when they got to Auschwitz?

On April 29th 1942, the first of the Slovak Jews arrived at Auschwitz. They were taken to the two gas chambers and murdered. Their bodies were buried in giant pits. This was the start of the mass murders with which Auschwitz is associated - the deliberate and planned murder of, in this case, Slovak Jews.

What was the statistics of Auschwitz?

About 3 500 000 Jews were put to death here.

What drug was put in the soup in Auschwitz to cause woman not to have their periods?

the drug was bromide

What was the purpose of building Auschwitz?

Gas chambers Pits/Graves to dispose the gassed/Burned bodies Area where people worked from agriculturing to moving heavy pieces of metal Barracks with concret blockes where the prisoners to sleep on So basically Auschwitz was a killing/Slave working camp

What was the crematoriums in Auschwitz?

From early 1942 onwards, there were three camps on the main site at Auschwitz and the number of sub-camps (off the main site) grew to 45. The main site included the extermination camp at Birkenau (Auschwitz II).