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your daddy

Another rubbish answer....if you mean who other then teachers were involved in schools, then it depended on the school.....some were supported by the church, some were supported by a committee of local wealthy people

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Q: Who ran schools in Victorian times?
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like someone ran out of toilet paper

Did parents have to pay for their children to go to school in the Victorian times?

Schools were not free until the end of the Victorian era in 1891

How much was boarding schools in Victorian times?

£4 per year £4 per year

What were 4 boarding schools for rich boys in Victorian times?

Eton. Harrow. Stowe. Cheltenham.

What happened to children in Welsh schools if they spoke English in Victorian times?

Nothing. But if they spoke in Welsh they were punished.

Why did some Victorian schools close at 4pm in the winter?

why did some Victorian schools close at 4pm at winter

Did victorian schools have toilets?

Victorian schools did not have toilets inside of them. It was very uncommon for anyone to have toilets inside their homes.

What has changed since Victorian times?

schools,laws,buildings/roads,libaries,hospitals post office police station

What is the difference between modern and Victorian schools?

The difference between modern and Victorian schooling is it was small compared to today schools and they got hit.

How do you think schools were heated in Victorian times?

Schools that could afford fuel - e.g. coal or firewood, would have had fires burning in the fireplace. In schools that were poor, they just got cold or wore lots of clothes!

When was corporal punishment banned in Victorian schools?

Corporal punishment remained legal in UK schools throughout the Victorian era. It was therefore not banned during the Victorian period. It was not banned until 1987.