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I don't know, though lots of people do as man can kill things better and with the amount of brainpower to create nukes and guns it obviouly is true that man is the most dangourus of the animals.

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Q: Who said man is the most dangerous animal?
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What is the most dangerus animal on earth?

mooses are dangerous and are the most agressive animals in the north :))One of it is lion but it's not as dangerous as a Mosquito! I know! Mosquitoes can kill u! They Are VERY dangerous PeterFoster111: Yes, the mosquito is the most dangerous. But, the most dangerous animal in the whole whide world besides the mosquito, is man.Last time I checked mosquitoes were classified as insects, not animals. And enough with the cliches about how "man" is the most dangerous animal - the person is simply asking which animals are the most dangerous. To answer this, I would base it off of the number of humans killed each year by the specific animals, so that would make snakes, crocodiles, elephants, hippos, and lions the most dangerous animals.Some of the most dangerous animals are elephants. really. They are large, fast and if you get stepped on by one, or charged, you are a goner. Also, wild cats like tigers and leopards are the most dangerous wild cats. Of course, there are more dangerous animals than these. Also, the Komodo Dragon is quite dangerous, but they are not common.

Who said man is a tool making animal?

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the quote "Man is a tool-making animal".

Who told man is the social animal?

It was Aristotle that said man is a social animal. He also said that if a person doesn't need to be social and doesn't partake of society, he must either be a beast or a god.

What is a shaggy horned animal with a musky odor?

Everybody knows its the single most dangerous threat to mankind. Manbearpig. Half-Man, Half-Bear, and Half-Pig. Im super cereal.

What animal is responsible for most human deaths?

The most dangerous animal is man. Over 18,000 deaths from deliberate assault and over 32,000 suicides in 2005. Transport accicents (with human drivers) killed another 48,000. ( . The second most dangerous animal is the horse with 100-150 deaths per year from riding accidents. "Wild" mammals and reptiles kill less than 50 all together.

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Man would be the most dangerous animal. There are also Eurasian lynx in Bosnia.

What is the most dangerous animal alive excluding man?

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What is the most dangerous animal besides man?

I'm pretty sure it is the mosquito.

Most dangerous south Africa's animal besides man?

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What is the most dangerous man -eater in the sea?

A shark is the most dangerous man-eating sea animal because of all of its sharp teeth and lethal size. <3

Why is man the most dangerous animal?

Probably because mankind invented tools and weapons which can put any other animal in danger. An unarmed man may not be any more dangerous than a cat, but an armed and equipped man can potentially harm any other animal.

Please tell me answer which animal is the dangerous animal in the world?

Besides or even more so than man. The most dangerous animals in the world are either the common house fly or the mosquito. These are due to all the diseases they carry.

Who has man is a social animal?

Aristotle was the one who said that man is a social animal. Nicomachaen Ethics.

What is the exciting force in The Most Dangerous Game?

The source of rising action in The Most Dangerous Game is the suspense of the man being hunted. There is no more unsettling idea for humans than to be literally tracked like an animal.

Who said that man is a social animal?


What is the most dangerous animal to ever live besides man?

It is probally the mosasaurs. During their times, it was the most dominant and succesful predator ever. Also, it was unkillable.