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Brutus and Antony.

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Q: Who speaks at caesars funeral?
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When was caesars funeral?

Caesar's funeral was in 44 BC.

Who allowed Anthony to speak at caesars funeral?


Who warned against allowing Antony to speak at Caesars funeral?


When a person speaks at a funeral what is that called?


What do you call a person who speaks at a funeral?


What sentences is not a reason Brutus allows Antony to speak at Caesars funeral?

Brutus fears antony

What was the effect of brutus letting Antony speak at caesars funeral?

The crowd did react to Brutus and Anthony funeral speeches because they had much intellectual appeal.

What were Caesar's two funeral orations?

caesars funerl orations were "::::: brutus concentrates on Caesar: mark Antony concentrates on romes greatness

Why was it a mistake for Brutus to allow Antony to have the last word at Caesars funeral?

Antony would have his way with or without his approval because he is the head of the army.

Who speaks at Cesar's funeral?

some times different people say things at different times and places

Who speaks last at Caesar's funeral?

brutus spoke first and then they let Antony speak under certain conditions

Why does Brutus permit Antony to speak at Caesars funeral?

Because Antony promised he would not do the very thing he ended up doing, and Brutus trusted him. Unfortunately for Brutus he really was an "honourable man".