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It was officially declared a national holiday on November 11th 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson to Honor the soldiers who fought in world war I, and was originally called Armistice Day, the changed to Veterans Day in order to honor all who served during world war I.

(c) KDW- Please do not plagiarize .

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13y ago

veterans day was startd becuz of dha french . so tehy wantd all to be fought for

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Why was veteran's day established?

Verterans day was established to honor soldiers who fought in World War 1.

After which war was Veterans Day established?

President Eisenhower made Veteran's day a federal holiday in 1954. Before that, it was known as Armistice day. President Eisenhower Changed it because when Americans celebrate a holiday, he figures he should use a word that is less complicated.

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What was the Veterans Day called before Veterans Day?

Armistice Day .

What day was Veterans Day in 1955?

Veterans Day 1955 was a Friday.

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Veterans Day 2007 was a Sunday.

What are Three phrases of Veterans Day?

Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day.

What day is Veterans Day being observed?

veterans day is November 11th

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