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Q: Who suggested that the turkey should be your national bird?
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What bird was chosen to be the US national bird?

Ben Franklin suggested the turkey. He called it a "noble bird" and felt the eagle was a scavenger. The eagle won the debate.

What Is National animal of Turkey?

there isn't a national bird or anything national like that in turkey or any other western countries.

Who wanted the national bird to be a dove?

It wasn't a dove, but a turkey and it was Ben Franklin. --- William Barton, who designed the Great Seal, suggested the dove as a national bird at one point as the Third Great Seal Committee was meeting.

What American president felt that the turkey should be the official US bird rather than the bald eagle?

It was Ben Franklin that suggested the turkey but he wasn't president

What famous American thought that the turkey should be tha national bird?

Thomas Edison

What was ben Franklin's suggestion for a national symbol?

He suggested having the Turkey as the national bird because it was more of an "useful" animal, rather than a predator and scavanger like the bald eagle.

What bird did benjamin franklin want as national bird?


Which signer of the Declaration of Independence wanted the turkey to be your national bird?

Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence and wanted the turkey as the national bird.

What did Ben Franklin what to be the national bird?

the turkey

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Who suggest that turkey should be your national bird?

Attributed to Ben Franklin; apparently false. See link.

Bird that Ben Franklin wanted to be the national bird in US?

The Wild Turkey.