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The Serbians. Serbia was a tiny independent country and a neighbor of the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire. There were ethnic Serbs in the Empire, and Serbia wanted them and the territory they occupied to be a part of Serbia. They feared that Franz Ferdinand, who showed signs of being a reformer, might be so accommodating to the ethnic Serbs in his Empire when he took the throne that these ethnic Serbs might lose their desire to get out of the Empire and join Serbia. There was a nationalistic group of Serbian terrorists, called The Black Hand, who decided to kill the Arch Duke. The Black Hand was backed by the Serbian Intelligence Service, perhaps without knowledge of others in the Serbian government.

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Q: Who wanted Franz Ferdinand dead?
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Franz-Ferdinand was assassinated by the Black Hand, a Serbo-Bosnian terrorist group that wanted Bosnia to be given to Serbia from Austria-Hungary.Specifically, Gavrilo Princip shot Franz-Ferdinand and his wife.

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Franz Ferdinand was born on December 18, 1863.

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Franz Ferdinand was born on December 18, 1863.

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Serbia because they wanted to be an independent country, however austria-Hungary wanted to rule them to make a larger empire and it was franz ferdinands idea

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The Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand, although his murder wasn't the primary cause.