

Who was Ramses' slaves?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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His slaves may have been the Biblical Hebrews (pre-Exodus).

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Q: Who was Ramses' slaves?
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How did Ramses had slaves?

mostly he collected them in wars.

Where did Ramses II slaves lived?

probably huts

How did Ramses treat his people?

He treated those of lower power like slaves

How did Ramses II treat his people?

He treated those of lower power like slaves

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No, Ramses two was related to Ramses three, but the succsesor to Ramses the seconds throne was meranptah, Ramses thirteenth son.

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Did Ramses II build the temples?

Artisans including masons, sculptors, painters, metal workers and carpenters. there were also thousands of slaves to do the all the heavy labouring jobs. Most of the slaves were captives from the wars fought by the Egyptians.

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ramses built the temples to please the gods

Did Ramses kill anybody?

Ramses was a warrior king so he must of killed enemy soldiers in battle. As king he must have signed a few death warrants. As a big ego who knows how many slaves died building his monuments and so his city did not get taken over by the invaders.

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You are a punk

Which pharoh built more monuments?

New Kingdom, 19th dynasty, Pharaoh Ramses II known as Ramses the Great, reigned 1279-1213BC

Is Ramses the great the same as Ramses 2?

Of course, Ramses the Great is just another name he is called.