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John Milton was a blind English statesman who wrote sonnets, particularly known for his work "Paradise Lost."

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John Milton (1603)

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Q: Who was a blind English statesman who wrote sonnets?
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Who has written the greatest number of sonnets in the English language?

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as having written the greatest number of sonnets in the English language. He wrote a collection of 154 sonnets that are considered some of the finest in English literature.

What besides plays did shakespeare write?

He wrote sonnets.

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Who wrote religious themed sonnets?

One famous writer of religious themed sonnets is the English poet John Donne. His collection of sonnets, "Holy Sonnets," explores various facets of faith, love, and spirituality. Donne's sonnets are known for their intricate wordplay and deep exploration of religious themes.

How many sonnets were written by wordsworth?

William Wordsworth wrote 523 sonnets in his lifetime.

Who is the real writer of the Shakespeare plays and sonnets?

William Shakespeare wrote all the plays and sonnets, they have been saying that bard wrote them but William shakespeare fact wrote all of them.

Did William Shakespeare write 154 historical sonnets?

He wrote 154 sonnets. That's a historical fact. The sonnets themselves do not deal with historical topics.

Who is blind poet in english literature?

John Milton was blind. He wrote "Paradise Lost"- one of his masterpieces during his blindness...

What did williamshakespeare do?

William Shakespeare wrote plays and sonnets

How many sonnets plays and long poems did William Shakespeare publish?

=I am not sure about long poems but he wrote 154 sonnets. =]==I hope I have helped you==-Hannah(:==I am not sure about long poems but he wrote 154 sonnets. =]==I hope I have helped you==-Hannah(:=

What are Enlightened Statesman?

James Madison wrote about the enlightened statesman in the Federalist Paper No.10 it means an intelligent leader.