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William Shakespeare is the most famous playwright of the Renaissance period. He wrote many renowned plays, such as "Romeo and Juliet," "Hamlet," and "Macbeth," which are still popular and performed today.

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Q: Who was a famous playwright of the renaissance?
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What was England's most famous playwright?

Since about 1595, William Shakespeare has been and still is England's most famous playwright, and is, in fact the most famous playwright in the world, period.

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The most popular playwright associated with the renaissance is of course William Shakespeare. It was not always so, and a lot depends on how you define the renaissance.

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A famous playwright who wrote plays in verse would be William Shakespeare. Shakespeare is perhaps one of the most famous playwrights of all time.

Who was England's most famous playwright?

George Bernard Shaw is considered to be England's most famous playwright, second only to William Shakespeare. This is because Willliam Shakespeare's creations were more poetry than drama and because William Shakespeare's works all can be perfectly sung which qualifies them to be considered as Poetry. It may also be noted here that Shakespeare also loathed the tedious labour of staging a drama and always wished to be considered as a poet. Thus, to do this great literary figure justice, William Shakespeare goes to the Hall of Fame of Poets and George Bernard Shaw stands as the most famous Playwright England produced.

Englands most famous playwright?


Who was the most famous English playwright?

William Shakespeare.

What was England and most famous playwright?

William Shakespeare

Who is England's most famous playwright?

William Shakespeare

What is the worlds most famous playwright?

William Shakespear