

Who was against america in the Revolutionary War?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The British because the American colonies were fighting for independence from the British

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Q: Who was against america in the Revolutionary War?
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The war that America fought against Britain to attain freedom was the Revolutionary War. I sincerely hope this will help your ailment :) .

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After the Revolutionary War America won freedom from Britain.

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The British because the American colonies were fighting for independence from the British

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I think so because I read a book about the Liberty Bell and it had all these facts about the war against America and Britain. I Hope My Answer Is Helpful! ( if it isn't sorry)

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The Revolutionary War was America's war for liberty from Britain.

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Britain did not help America win the Revolutionary War.

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The country that helped America in the American War of Independence is France.

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America earned it's freedom from the Revolutionary War against the Kingdom of Great Britain from 1775-1783.