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King Ashoka

The Mauryans!

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The Great King Ashoka

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Q: Who was an emperor in India that helped spread Buddhism?
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Did Buddhism spread fast in India?

Yes Buddhism spread fast in India.

Who is the Indian ruler who spread Buddhism to eastern Asia?

Siddhartha Gautama,is the founder of Buddhism,but is commonly known as Buddha.

Did Hinduism spread like Buddhism?

Hinduism started in India, and is more ancient than Buddhism. Buddhism also started in India, but spread to china.

Which inian leader sent missionaries to spread Buddhism to china and other parts o Asia?

The spread of Buddhism begins when Emperor Ashoka sent missionaries to India during the third century BC. This mission became a success and later on becoming the center of Buddhism.

What was a major place where Buddhism was spread?


What country did Buddhism spread to first?


Where did the Buddhism relidgion come from?

Buddhism stearted in India and has spread to Asia in 5000 years.

Where did buddism start from?

Buddhism started in India. Then spread to other counteries

Who brought Buddhism to china?

Asoka, the emperor of India, was the cause; because he was a faithful Buddhist, so he tried to spread the Buddhism to the world, and he did. By using his empire's influence, Buddhism was spread to Southern Asia and today's middle east; few hundred years after he died, Buddhism was introduced to China in Eastern Han dynasty

What is the name of the emperor of India who made Buddhism the state religion?


Who was known for his famous conversion to Buddhism?

Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor of India

What emperor made buddhism the state religion in india in 250bc?
