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The first successful steamboat was in 1807 by the American inventor Robert Fulton. However, John Fitch made the first successful trial steamboats.

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Q: Credited with the introduction of the steamboat?
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What was Robert fulton credited with inventing?

The steamboat

Who is the inventer of steamboat?

You mean: Who is credited with inventing the steamboat? ...Right? Robert Fulton invented the first full-size, commercial steamboat, Clermont. (:

What kind of ships did Robert Fulton make?

He is credited with inventing the steamboat.

Who was the man who invented the steamboat?

John Fitch invented the original steamboat, but Robert Fulton is usually credited with the invention of the steamboat, since he was American and brought it to America, while Fitch was British.

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William Symington was credited for inventing the first steamboat. The Charlotte Dundas is known as the worlds most practical steamboat.

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The introduction of algebra to mathematics.

What was the major economic effect of the introduction of the steamboat?

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Who invent the steam boat and when?

John Fitch made his first successful Steamboat on August 22, 1787. On August 26, 1791, he was granted the patent for the Steamboat. Robert Fulton, on August 7, 1807, was credited for turning the Steamboat into a success, though.

What is the Islamic scientist Al-Khwarizmi credited for?

The introduction of algebra to mathematics.

What were Robert Fulton's inventions?

Robert Fulton was credited with two distighishable creations, not so much as the "inventor" but as the first successful attempts at such creations. One was a Steamboat, the other, a submarine.

What was one of Robert Fulton's inventions?

Fulton designed the first commercially feasible steamboat, the Clermont, and also designed the submarine, Nautilus. Although sometimes credited with the invention of the steamboat, he didn't actually invent either technology; rather he came up with ways to improve and make them more efficient and dependable.

Is Ricky Steamboat Tommy Dreamer's father?

Ricky Steamboat is Richie Steamboat's father.