

Who was framed for the kings murder and killed by Macbeth?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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the two guards were framed for king duncun

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Q: Who was framed for the kings murder and killed by Macbeth?
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Who does Macbeth murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Who does Macbeth have to murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Why does Macbeth kill the king's men?

A) So that they will not be able to tell people that Macbeth killed the King, and B) so that he can frame them for killing the King, allowing him to escape suspicion.

Why did Macbeth have his old battle companion killed?

The witches had predicted that Banquo's descendants would become kings whereas Macbeth's would not. Macbeth resented that. Also, Banquo was aware of what the witches had said and might suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder. Macbeth says, "My fears in Banquo stick deep."

Who was knocking on the door after Macbeth killed the king?

It was Macduff who was knocking on the door after Macbeth killed King Duncan.

In Macbeth what was the characters role in the kings death?

Macbeth caused it, Lady Macbeth proposed it, the stewards were killed for it, and the king's sons took the blame for it.

Why does Macbeth kill the kings servants?

Macbeth felt he had to kill the king's servants as they may have possibly figured out that it was him who killed the king. He then tells others he had to kill them as they had killed the king.

Why do the kings appear in Act 4 Scene 1 of 'Macbeth'?

That the witches' prophecy of Banquo as the ancestor of a long line of kings is fulfilled despite his murder is the reason that the kings appear in Act 4 Scene 1 of the play "Macbeth."Specifically, the kings are conjured up by the witches when Macbeth (d. August 15, 1057) comes to visit in Act 4 Scene 1. In Act 1 Scene 3, the witches predict that Macbeth will become king and that his best friend Banquo will be the ancestor to kings though not a king himself. In Act 3 Scene 3, Macbeth arranges to have Banquo killed. Act 4 Scene 1 shows that Macbeth find success in killing Banquo, but not in stopping Banquo's royal line.

What does lennox think about Macbeth and fleance and Duncan's sons?

Lennox notes that Malcolm and Donalbain have been accused of Duncan's murder and Fleance has been accused of Banquo's. However, he intimates that if either of them were in Macbeth's control, they would find out what it means to be murdered.

Why is Macbeth angry that fleance escaped?

Banquo's heirs are prophesied to become kings. Macbeth tries to frustrate this by having Banquo and his child killed, but he fails because Fleance lives on to become the father of a line of kings

Recall whom do Macbeth frame for duncan murder?

Macbeth frames King Duncan's chamberlains for his murder by planting the bloody daggers on them while they are asleep. He does this to deflect suspicion away from himself and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who orchestrated the murder.

What did Macbeth forget to leave by the kings murder?

MacBeth mistakenly took his dagger with him after killing the king. Lady MacBeth then proceeds to take them back when MacBeth will not. She also smears blood on the chamberlains who are drunk. MacBeth then goes to wash his hands and he can't seem to wash the blood off.