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AUSCHWITZ The Auschwitz (Auschwitz-Birkenau) death camp was the site of the most killings of European Jews during the Holocaust. In 1941, 850 ill and malnourished Jews were killed in an experimental gassing there, and after its success, the Nazis started using this method as a daily routine. An estimated three million people were killed at Auschwitz through gassing, starvation, shooting, burning, and other methods. 9 out of 10 prisoners were Jews, but there were also large numbers of Soviet and other nations' POW's, gypsies, homosexuals, and others sent there. According to sources, Adolf Hitler personally ordered the mass executions at Auschwitz while visiting there once in 1940. Children were brought to the camp as well, but usually they didn't stay long. They were often killed as soon as they arrived, and chil

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13y ago
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13y ago

Well there really wasn't a "leader" of Auschwitz. Rudolf Hoess was the SS Kommandant of Auschwitz from 1940-1943. Arthur Liebehenschel replaced Hoess in December of 1943. Hoess became inspector of death camps.

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12y ago

there were many leaders, the Jews were not unified. There were a few resistance/escape committees. Every work group or 'kommando' were named after its leader/kapo, but they were not united under any Jewish leadership. There were many Rabbis there, some of them practiced, but none became the religious leader of Auschwitz.

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14y ago

Rudolf Hoss was the commandant in charge of Auschwitz

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What kind of camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was a concentration camp.concentration and extermination camp

Was Auschwitz the main camp?

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Where was the extermination camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I- Birkenau

What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

Where was Auschwitz death camp?

Auschwitz is located in Poland.

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The Auschwitz concentration camp began when beat you the hell up !

What type of camp is Auschwitz?

Concentration camp and Extermination camp

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How many parts did Auschwitz have?

It had 3 sections. Auschwitz-I, which served as a working camp. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the death camp. Auschwitz-III, it was used to provide slave labor to the nearby industry.

What are the 3 parts of Auschwitz called?

Auschwitz had 3 big 'main' camps. They were called Auschwitz I, Auschwitz Birkenau and Auschwitz Monowitz. Monowitz was really a sub camp which was commonly used and when expanded did become as part of the main camps. Out of the lot, Auschwitz Birkenau was the biggest and most feared of as this part was about Extermination when the Final Solution was putted in place.

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