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Anthony van Leeuwenhoek

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Q: Who was one of the first to record biological observations with a microscope?
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Who made the first observations of singled celled organisms using handmade microscope?

That is Anton Van Leewan Hook.He observed microbes first.

Who was the Dutch lens grinder to first use microscope instruments to observe biological specimens in the 1600s?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

What group of people first began to develop biological concepts?

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Persians were among the first to develop biological concepts. They studied anatomy, physiology, and botany, and made observations about living organisms. Their contributions laid the foundation for the development of biological concepts that were further refined by subsequent scientists and scholars.

In which part of the scientific method would you record your observations?

You would obviously record your observations in the first part of the scientific method i.e titled commonly as "Observation". Because only after recording your observation you can move onto the second part of scientific method i.e "Questioning".

List 3 things in science that Robert hooke is famous for?

1 is is discovered cells. 2 is he invented the first ever microscope. 3 he made useful observations.

What was the name of the first microscope?

What was the name of the first microscope?

What is Antoni Leeuwenhook famous for?

He is best known for his work on the improvement of the microscope and for his contributions towards the establishment ofmicrobiology. Using his handcrafted microscopes he was the first to observe and describe single celled organisms, which he originally referred to as animalcules, and which we now refer to as microorganisms. He was also the first to record microscopic observations of muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in capillaries (small blood vessels).

What is the major contribution of Robert Hooke?

He was the first person to record seeing cells in cork when viewed under the microscope. He first used the term 'cell' to describe what he saw.

What was hooke's first microscope called?

the microscope

Name of first microscope?

a compound microscope.

What was the first microscope called?

what was his microscope called