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Loki would most definitely be the Norse god of mischief.

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Q: Who was the Norse god of mischief?
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Is Loki a villlain?

Yes, he was the Norse god of mischief.

Is loki the god of mischief?

yes in Norse mytholoyg

What is a mythical trickster?

Loki, the Norse god of mischief.

Who is the Norse goddess of mischief?

There is no Norse goddess of mischief, however there is a Norse god of mischief - Loki. It may be the the asker wishes to know the Norse goddess of the underworld - her name, in fact is Hel, and her domain is also known as Hel (one "l" not two).

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the wolf god in norse Mythology is named Fenris, or Fenrir, he is one of the son's of Loki god of mischief

Can you give me a few tricksters from classical mythology?

Loki, the Norse god of mischief.

What is mischief in old Norse?

Loki Laffeyson is usually the god of mischief, but in his younger days Odin was known (among other things) as Bolwerk, or evildoer/mischief maker.

Who were the Norse god of evil?

Technically there is no Norse god of evil as Loki is the god of lies, chaos and mischief but does not quite go as far as evil. Hel is the Norse goddess of death but again not evilness. The jotunns were described as evil but they were giants not gods.

What role does Loki play in Christianity?

Loki doesn't have a role in Christianity. Loki was/is the NORSE god of mischief.

What is the name of the Norse JESTER god?

Loki is the trickster god of mischief -- most prominently known for tricking the blind Hoder to kill Baldur.

What is Thor and Loki the gods of?

Thor is the son of Odin, the All Father; Thor is god of thunder in the Norse pantheon. Loki is the trickster, the god of mischief, and he seems to have control of some natural phenomena.

Who was the Norse god of fire?

Loki is the Norse god of fire.