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Q: Who was the Son of darius and heir to the Persian empire he led Persian forces in a campaign to conquer Greece in 480 BC?
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What was the Persian campaign?

It was the campaign by King of Kings Xerxes of Persia (Achaemenid dynasty), son of Darius the Great, who followed in the steps of his father and attacked the Western fronts of the Persian Empire to expand Persia and to conquer Greece.

Who was the ruler during the first persian war who was determined to conquer greece?

Darius I .

What are the two Persian leaders that wanted to conquer Greece?

Darius the 1st and his son Xerxes the 1st .

What two Persian leaders tried to take over Greece?

Darius I in 490 BC, and his son Xerxes in 480 BC.

Why did darius and Xerxes wanted to conquer Greece?

they where mad at Greece

What Accomplishments did xerxes do?

Xerxes was a son of the ruler Darius the First. He tried to conquer Greece again. In 480 BC, the Persian Army set out for Greece. They were also joined by the Persian Navy. I think they lost the war.

Who did Greece fight at marathon and Salamis?

Persian King Darius I

Which Persian leader was the first to attack mainland Greece?

King Darius I the Great.

Who led the Persian army that invaded Greece in 480bce?


Who ordered the first Persian invasion of Greece?

The first Persian invasion of Greece was during the Persian Wars in 492 BCE. It was ordered by the Persian King Darius I to punish the city-states of Athens and Eretria.

That the Persian ruler that invaded Greece after the city-states rebelled?

Xerxes son of Darius

Alexander the Great's first victories against the Persians gave him control of what region?

After conquering and uniting Greece Alexander went on to conquer the major countries of Asia Minor and the Middle East. Alexander defeated the Persian king, Darius III, and united the Persian Empire with Greece.