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Q: Who was the ancient Greek goddess of grains?
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The ancient Greek goddess Artemis is the goddess of the Hunt, the moon, animals, virginity, and the wild.

Who is the greek goddes of agriculture fertlity?

In the ancient Greek religion (or as we call it, Greek mythology), the goddess of agriculture, grains, plants, etc. was Demeter, mother of Persephone (goddess of springtime).

What is a Greek goddess?

A Greek goddess is a myth of a female God, believed in by the Ancient Greeks.

Who was the ancient Greek goddess of corn?

Demeter was the Greek goddess of the harvest, grains, agriculture. Corn, in England, is a generic term that could refer to wheat or oats or any other grain. In that sense, Demeter was the Greek goddess of corn. However, Z. mays, the plant usually referred to as corn, did not exist in ancient Europe. It was developed in the Americas and only arrived in the rest of the world after Columbus.

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Ancient Greek Pagan.

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The company named after the ancient Greek goddess of victory is the company named Nike.

Who is the goddes of grains in Greek mythology?

In Greek myth, the goddess of agricultutre was Demeter. The Romans called her Ceres.

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The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom was Athena, as well as Metis.

Roman goddess of the harvest?

Ceres, or Demeter in Greek Mythology, was the Roman goddess of the harvest, grains, and fertility.

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Εκάτη [Hecate] is the name of the ancient Greek and Roman chthonic goddess of crossroards and magic