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FDR by far. Harry Truman was a great president but the only thing major he did was approved the bombing of Japan. FDR went through the Great Depression and 99% of World War 2 and probably would have allowed japans bombing

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Q: Who was the better leader Franklin D. Roosevelt Roosevelt or Harry Truman?
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Who was the leader in world war 2 after Roosevelt?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was succeeded as President by Harry S Truman.

Who was the leader of US during World War 2?

First, it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt but after he died in the midst of his third term, his vice president Harry S. Truman took over.

Who was the world war 2 leader for US?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt. When Roosevelt died, Harry S Truman became president.

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Harry S Truman

Who was Americas leader during the world war 2?

Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt was in a wheelchair as he had contracted polio before election. He surived but was crippled. He broguht America out of the Great Depression and started that whole 'Social Security' thing. General George C. Marshall

Who is the leader of the us in world war 2?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and later Harry Truman (who was the president when the atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.)

Who was the leader of the US during World War two?

US Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman after FDR's death in office .

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Eleanor Roosevelt had been appointed a delegate to the United Nations by President Harry S Truman after the death of her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Who was the leader of the US in 1945?

Franklin D. Roosevelt led the US until his death on April 12, 1945, when Harry S. Truman became president.

Who was the American leader during ww ii?

The US president in WW2 was Franklin Delano Roosevelt until his death in April 1945 then he was succeeded by Harry Truman.

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt like as a leader?

he was a good leader

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt