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Sir Francis Drake was playing Bowls on Plymouth Hoe.

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Q: Who was the famous person whos game was interrupted by the spanish armada?
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Who took part in the spanish armada?

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How do you say my famous person is in Spanish?

You could say "mi persona famosa".

What person became famous during the Spanish American War?

Theodore Roosevelt.

How do you say she is a famous singer in spanish?

Es una cantante / cantatriz célebre / famosa.

Why is Drake significant?

Francis Drake was so significant because he was the first person to circumnavigate the whole world. Actually, that honour belongs to Ferdinand Magellan, Drake was the first Englishman to Circumnavigate the World. Add to that the disruption he caused to the Spanish Empire with his privateering, and his part in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Who is a famous Spanish speaking singer?

If you are speaking of a famous spanish person in this period of time I would suggest perhaps George Lopez, a famous Latino comedian, but if you are refering to the past then Christopher Columbus is an extremely well known person who is spanish.

What is una persona famosa mean in english?

The Spanish phrase "una persona famonsa" means "a famous person" in English.