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my name is mike yabo and i was the first person to the Bermuda triangle i Rember as if it was yesterday Jesus and I had went Surfing and i talked him off his surf board and after that he had Disapered and i couldn't find him so i had just started swimming and found this island n i declared it my own who ever try's to fly over it or come on to my island i take as hostage and i am still hear standing so i am waitn for someone to try n stomp on me

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Q: Who was the first person reported to have experienced something strange in the Bermuda Triangle?
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Who was the first person to have experienced something strange in the area now known as the Bermuda Triangle?

Vincent H. Gaddis

What are the evidences of Bermuda triangle?

There are many legends that surround the Bermuda Triangle. There have been deaths reported, as well as ships and plains disappearing. However, there is no direct evidence that the Bermuda Triangle is directly responsible.

When was the Bermuda triangle?

what do you mena by when? this is something that is always going on because the bermuda triangle is always there

Does the Bermuda triangle have a flux vortex or something similar?

It is unknown what is in the Bermuda triangle but it is very mysterious.

How did-the Bermuda triangle form?

The Bermuda Triangle was formed by someone with a map, a ruler, a pencil, and an overactive imagination. Someone realised at a certain moment that the area where many disappearances were reported resembled a "triangle" on the map.

Is Bermuda triangle real?

The Bermuda Triangle, which is also known as Devil's Triangle, is a source of much debate. The Bermuda Triangle mystery is nothing but a sham, at least according to a myriad of skeptics, and there still remain many who believe there is something fishy going on here

Why is it known as the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is named after the island of Bermuda.

How many Bermuda triangle's are there?

Just one, though there are other areas where similar events are supposedly experienced.

Is the Bermuda triangle a whirl pool?

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle.

Who was the first person to write something strange about the bermuda triangle?

a boat

How many ships have gone missing due to the devils triangle?

It is reported that at least 20 planes and 50 ships have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle in the last 100 years. 1,000 people have died or disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in the last 100 years.

Is the Bermuda Triangle near Florida?

Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is off the coast of Florida, Cuba, and Bermuda.